Had another impromptu photo shoot last night, this time a few more kids from the neighborhood got in on the action. Here's a couple... back to packing now...
I LOVE this nice weather!! Hopefully it stays nice for our big move on Saturday. That's right we're moving this weekend, as a result I haven't been photographing and won't be for a couple weeks so we can get all moved and settled. But then I'll be in high gear!
So since I haven't photographed in awhile and last night we had such beautiful light and my little neighbor girl was outside with her parents I decided to take advantage of the situation... Hopefully these can hold you over until I'm back... maybe I'll post some other stuff in the mean time too... Enjoy!
It was just a little sample, but boy I sure miss what little nice weather we had... hopefully it will be back real soon! But while we're waiting for that to happen here are some photos of a little girl I shot last week. She is absolutely adorable!! She smiled so much and was so happy, she was just a delight to work with. Enjoy!
Hello! Well we have some big changes happening at Forever Photography... first off we sold our house in only 20 days! So we are moving at the end of the month. We don't know where yet... right now we are going to rent for a few months and take or time finding our next home. I will keep you updated. By the way our Realtor rocks! If you're looking for one I'd highly recommend mine! Just contact me for her information.
Back to business... due to the house selling business this last week has been hectic! But I've still managed to fit in some sessions... here's one of a little boy who is so content and and cute! I also photographed him at 6 months and it's great to see how he's changed. Enjoy some of the photos!