I met up with EmmaLee this past week for her senior photos... the shoot went so well! We had great weather, great locations, and a great senior! We had absolutely gorgeous light for her prom dress photos... I love those days when everything just falls into place!
I've been having such fun photo shoots this week! One of them included my shoot with Berit. Berit is very into the arts: dancing, theater, ect... So for her 8th grade graduation her mom gave her a session with me! It was so fun! She was such a natural for the camera and I LOVE the action shots we got! Enjoy!
I also met up with Kayla this week for her senior portraits. Kayla is also very interested in photography, which is awesome to see. She did a great job coming up with different things to try and do without much help from me... and that only makes my job that much easier!
This week I got to meet Paige and take her 2010 Senior portraits. We had awesome weather! Not too hot or too cold and beautiful blue skies. I loved meeting her dog who is the sweetest lab! She even snuck in on a few shots.
Ashley and Troy came over this weekend for their engagements, and what fun we had. Actually Ashley sent me such a nice email after the shoot telling me how much fun they had and they can't wait for me photograph their wedding in February... I can't wait either! Winter weddings are so rare in Wisconsin, that it's always great to photograph one when I can. Congrats you two and looking forward to the big day!
Rudy and Susie are getting married this fall, so we met up this weekend for some engagement portraits at Susie's parent's home. We ended up pushing up the shoot due to a forecast of rain, but it never rained anyway... oh well at least we got the shoot in no matter what happened. They are such a great couple to work with and I look forward to their big day!!
I've mentioned several times on this blog that I just love seeing all the changes in the babies I photograph. I got that chance again this week with Baby "J." She is such a doll! This time we did outdoor photos around our property... and she did so well despite the blistering temps. Enjoy!
This week I got to rejoin Baby A and her family for her 1 year portraits. I can't believe how fast 6 months has gone by!! This time we decided to do the photos at her home, which went really well... we just needed a little "cracker" break and all was good :) Enjoy!